Flexing your Heart Chakra
Happy February!
February is usually the month that many of us remember to celebrate others. Loving and celebrating others is important but it’s also essential to not hesitate to ensure you’re making time to embrace yourself.
Take a few moments and hold you in your very ownheart first.
Making time to take care of your heart allows you to be available to, amplify the heart and love of others.
One of the best ways to do this is to meditate. According to a recent article that I found that was written this February 2021 by Harvard University Medical Publishing, Growing evidence suggests that meditation may also improve factors linked to cardiovascular health. The latest comes from a Sept. 15, 2020, article in the American Journal of Cardiology. Researchers studied more than 61,000 people who took part in the two most recent National Health Interview Surveys (done in 2012 and 2017). Nearly 10% of the participants said they practiced some form of meditation. After adjusting for age, sex, sleep, depression, and other possible confounding factors, researchers found people who meditated had a lower prevalence of high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary artery disease compared with people who didn't meditate. So remember, loving others is no question very important take time for yourself and flex your heart!
I love you!
crystal recommends for this month: amethyst, rose quartz, and green aventurine